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Monday, June 28, 2021

Domino's employee uses smartwatch to text for help during armed robbery - WAGM

PITTSBURGH (WTAE) - A quick-thinking Domino’s manager used his smartwatch to seek help after he and another employee were forced into the cooler during an armed robbery.

Miambo Maombi, 21, was arrested in Indiana a week after police say he committed four armed robberies in the Pittsburgh area and two in Ohio.

One of those robberies took place June 6 at a Domino’s in the Pennsylvania borough of West View, where Shashanareddy Gaddu works as the general manager. The suspect was wearing a mask and carrying a gun when Gaddu says he demanded cash from the register.

“I was shaking. He had the gun to my head,” Gaddu said. “Then, he asked me to put in the password for the safe. I did and showed him this is where it takes 9 minutes – ‘If you want to stay, up to you.’”

Gaddu says the suspect then forced him and his trainee into the cooler and took their phones while he waited for the safe to open. He allegedly told the pair he’d be back for them, but Gaddu made sure that didn’t happen.

The manager locked the cooler door then realized, even without his phone, he had a way to get help: his smartwatch.

“That was on my hand. He didn’t check it… So, I texted my sister, one of my employees and the owner. My sister called the police, my employee called the police and they were here in a few minutes,” Gaddu said.

By the time police arrived, Maombi was gone. He was taken into custody June 16 after running from a traffic stop in Indiana. He is now awaiting extradition to Ohio in relation to the multi-state robbery spree.

Investigators in Pennsylvania say they are working with the FBI to determine the appropriate venue for additional charges.

Copyright 2021 WTAE via CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.

The Link Lonk

June 28, 2021 at 02:07PM

Domino's employee uses smartwatch to text for help during armed robbery - WAGM

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