Earlier today, Fitbit announced the Luxe, its newest tracker designed to bring a touch of fashion to your workouts, but you don't have to wait until it launches to start getting in shape. If you're looking for a more traditional form factor, the flagship Sense wearable is the gadget for you. It's filled with all sorts of sensors to help you keep track of your health, and you can grab one from Amazon today for just $249 — $80 off its usual price point.

There's a lot to love about the Fitbit Sense, especially when it's on sale. It can monitor everything from your heart rate to stress levels, all while lasting nearly a week on a charge. A bright OLED display makes it easy to track workouts while out in the sun, and baked-in support for Google Assistant lets you issue any supported command right from your wrist. Our review found Fitbit's flagship smartwatch perfectly usable, and though there's always room for improvement, it's still one of the company's best trackers to date.

For only $249 at Amazon, this is an excellent price for the Sense, bringing it just a stone's throw away from the current cost of the less-powerful Versa 3. If you're interested in grabbing Fitbit's premium tracker before this summer rolls around, pick one up using the link below.