The Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100 was launched last year as a drastic improvement over its predecessor. Yet despite the improvements to processing and battery efficiency, only one smartwatch has taken up the new chipset. Even the new Fossil Gen 5 LTE uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 from a few years ago. 2021 may be the year that Wear OS steps things up, with several new smartwatches reportedly planned from Moto, including one that was spotted with the latest chipset from Qualcomm.
A Reddit user recently pointed out that the back of this unnamed Moto smartwatch appears to be engraved text indicating the presence of the Snapdragon Wear 4100. The user wrote the text out under the actual engraving, but you can see it if you squint. It's also been pointed out that the watch could rock wireless charging, as indicated by what appears to be charging coils. The images also show built-in GPS, 5 ATM water resistance, and NFC.
This comes just after a launch timeline was spotted by 9to5Google of new products expected this year from CE Brands Inc. This is the company that supposedly absorbed eBuyNow eCommerce Ltd. which was responsible for the new Moto 360 launch in 2019. According to the timeline, as many as three new Moto smartwatches are expected this year, including a Moto G Smartwatch, Moto Watch, and Moto One.
It should be noted that none of these listed smartwatches appear to be the one mentioned above, so it's unclear where it fits into the timeline. It's also unclear what to expect from these watches outside of the likelihood that they'll run Wear OS, but the prospect of at least one of them sporting the Snapdragon Wear 4100 is good news for the platform.
Meanwhile, the Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 3 GPS is currently the sole smartwatch with the newer chipset, making it one of the best Android smartwatches on the market right now. It might be worth a look while we wait for more Snapdragon 4100 models to arrive.
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March 03, 2021 at 03:03AM
The next Moto Wear OS smartwatch could sport the Snapdragon Wear 4100, wireless charging - Android Central
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