Last week, a report surfaced that Motorola was going to announce a new ‘Moto G’ smartwatch powered by Google’s Wear OS along with a couple of renders of the smartwatch with a transparent backing. A Reddit thread points out that the text written around the backside of the watch body says “Snapdragon Wear 4100” to indicate that the watch will be powered by the latest wearable chipset by Qualcomm.
Via RedditDespite this new discovery, we’re still not any closer to knowing exactly when Moto will launch this new smartwatch. The new Moto watch is expected to be a successor to the Moto 360 that launched back in 2019 (the one that wasn’t manufactured by Motorola, but by its partner eBuyNow).
The Snapdragon Wear 4100 platform is more power-efficient and much snapper than the Snapdragon 3100 Wear platform. We reviewed the TicWatch Pro 3 that’s powered by the same chipset and we can attest that the battery life and performance has vastly improved with this new platform.
We’re excited to see Moto’s new offering in the Wear OS space. The OS is expected to be undergoing some major overhaul who’s update is expected to be released sometime this year.
The Link LonkMarch 03, 2021 at 01:20PM
Motorola’s upcoming smartwatch will be powered by Snapdragon Wear 4100 platform - news -
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