Molife, India’s homegrown mobile and lifestyle accessory brand, on Monday announced the launch of Sense 500, its latest Smartwatch in the wearables segment. Sense 500 is originally priced at Rs 4499. However, the company is giving it an introductory price of Rs 3999 for a week. The smartwatch will be available for sale exclusively on Amazon and starting midnight today. According to the company, Sense 500 is the first smartwatch in the Indian market that comes with a 4.3cm or 1.7-inch infinity display with 2.5D curved edges and a Bluetooth calling feature. Sense 500 smartwatch is available in two colour variants Coal Black and Mystic Silver. After the introductory offer, the Sense 500 smartwatch will also be available on Myntra and Flipkart for customers to purchase.
Coming to the battery life of the smartwatch, Molife claims that Sense 500 can last up to 3 days as it houses a 220mAH battery. The company further notes that on standby mode, it can last up to 15 days. It also has a calling feature where consumers can answer and make calls through their smartwatch. Sense 500 includes other key features like an Sp02 monitor, blood pressure monitor, IP68 water and dust resistant rating, and 8 sports modes with a 24-hour heart rate monitoring feature. In addition to these features, the Sense 500 smartwatch also has a unique feature of monitoring the menstrual cycle for its female customer base.
Deepesh Gupta, Managing Director at Molife, in a statement, said, "After the successful launch of our first two smartwatches, we are excited to introduce the third smartwatch from Molife’s Sense series. The Sense 500 is a versatile smartwatch when it comes to innovation and design. With a vision to glorify the smart wearable segment in the foreseeable future, we have set our mission to provide best-in-class smartwatches to every Indian. Our sole aim has been to provide our customers with innovative technology, which is reliable and trustworthy. Keeping this in mind, we will go forth and bring innovation in the Indian market while supporting the make in India and made for India vision."
The Sense range of Smart Watches comes with a 1-year warranty, and the brand has a dedicated customer care team. The company notes that it also has tie-ups with over 350 service centres across the country to ensure seamless after-sales support.
The Link LonkMarch 01, 2021 at 07:13PM
Molife launches Sense 500 smartwatch in India at Rs 3999 - India Today
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