A Stadia gamer who goes by the name Pablo 11 just showcased himself playing El Hijo on his Wear OS smartwatch. As you can see in the tweet below posted by the game’s developer, Pablo 11 has connected up an Xbox gamepad via Bluetooth and is running the game near flawlessly over a mobile network. It’s hard to tell if he’s experiencing any audio dips or if the sound is just cutting out due to him entering loading zones in the game’s levels. One thing is clear though, it’s awesome!
This is, of course, one of those things where it’s being attempted just for the sake of saying it can be done. I don’t imagine that playing on something as tiny as your smartwatch would be good for your neck or eyes, and it certainly wouldn’t be ideal for FPS games or anything of the sort. El Hijo is a casual game, so it lends itself really well to this sort of experiment.
Google’s cloud gaming platform isn’t really hardware dependent, so as long as you have a solid internet connection, you can run it on anything. In October, someone got it running on Android Auto in their vehicle and showed themselves playing through Super Bomberman R Online, and yes, the car was parked.
I always make the joke that if you could add a screen and a WiFi connection to a toaster, you could play it on that too, but I can almost guarantee that will be the next thing to make the news. What’s the most unusual device you’ve attempted to run Stadia on? Let us know in the comments section!
The Link LonkJanuary 26, 2021 at 03:07AM
Some guy just ran Stadia on his smartwatch, because it was only a matter of time - Chrome Unboxed
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