The saga of OnePlus’ smartwatch ambitions has been a bumpy one. After starting work on a smartwatch years ago and then prematurely sunsetting it, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau finally revealed last month the smartwatch project is back on track and that it will be launched early in 2021. But that’s just about it. Unlike OnePlus’ phones, the OnePlus Watch (tentative name) has been shrouded in mystery. However, it appears that the OnePlus Watch is inching closer to its launch.
The OnePlus smartwatch has been certified by the Bureau of Indian Standards, suggesting that the device is not too far away from its official debut. First spotted by leakster and certification watcher Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings), two models of the OnePlus Watch have been listed on the database – W501GB and W301GB.
Yes! The OnePlus Watch is indeed coming very soon to India. Have spotted the 2 variants (W501GB,W301GB) on the Indian BIS certification website.
— Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings) January 21, 2021
Feel free to retweet.#OnePlus #OnePlusWatch
However, it is unclear if these are two separate variants with a different case size, or if they are just Bluetooth and LTE capable versions of the OnePlus smartwatch. As we mentioned earlier, everything regarding the upcoming wearable is in the speculative stage as of now. The only information we have comes from leakster Max J. who claims that the OnePlus Watch has a round display.
On the software side, OnePlus’ upcoming smartwatch will likely run Wear OS, Google’s own Android-based operating system for smartwatches. “Wear OS definitely has room to improve. What we’re trying to do is work with Google to try to improve the connectivity between the Wear OS ecosystem, Android TV, and Android smartphones to create this ability for better device interoperability across the ecosystems. This has been something looked at very positively from Google’s side as well,” Lau mentioned in an interview last year.
It is worth noting that OnePlus apparently shelved plans of a smartwatch because the company thought Wear OS is not ready and can’t provide the fulfilling smartwatch experience that the company sought to achieve. However, it appears that the company is finally ready to give Wear OS a shot. Though, it is quite likely that the OnePlus smartwatch will run a heavily customized version of Wear OS, just like the OxygenOS skin running on its smartphones.
The Link LonkJanuary 23, 2021 at 12:28PM
OnePlus smartwatch gets certified ahead of its early 2021 launch - Pocketnow
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