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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Buying Guide: This fitness smartwatch is an affordable alternative to Fitbit -
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If you’re looking for an easy way to track your heart rate, sleep, and daily activity, smartwatches can track everything for you. But with Fitbit watches priced at around $150, they’re not the most affordable fitness tracking solution. That’s where this fitness tracking smartwatch by Amazfit comes in.

Track Your Health

Amazfit’s Bip smartwatch can help you track your health in many of the same ways a Fitbit can. The heart rate monitor and built-in GPS allow you to accurately track your steps, distance traveled, calories burned, and sleep quality. You can also record multiple sports including running, cycling, and walking.

Stay in Touch

Like a Fitbit, this Bip smartwatch will notify you of calls or messages. You can also view notifications for multiple apps including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn on the color touch display. With so many of the same features, the Amazfit smartwatch still retails for just $70—about half the price of a Fitbit.

Why Customers Love It

Amazon customers love this affordable Fitbit alternative. The biggest perks were the lower price tag, the built-in GPS, and the 45-day battery life. Customers also found the watch was lightweight and comfortable even during intense activities.

Amazfit Bip Fitness Smartwatch available from Amazon

The Link Lonk

September 30, 2020 at 08:30PM

Buying Guide: This fitness smartwatch is an affordable alternative to Fitbit -

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