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Monday, August 31, 2020

Rolex will not have new watches on sale tomorrow - WatchPro

Hopes that authorised dealers will start selling Rolex’s 2020 watches immediately have been dashed.

There had been speculation that Rolex would follow Tudor by simultaneously unveiling its novelties on September 1 and organising for them to go on sale.

Tudor’s launch of the Black Bay Fifty Eight was a boost for its retailers in the early days after lock down as the brand coordinated a huge marketing campaign that generated instant sales.

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The scale of Rolex unveiling a full line up of new models, coupled with its legendary secrecy ahead of launches, look likely to have contributed to the choice of plan.

A source speaking to WatchPro did not have any insight into when new models will go on sale.

In normal years it has been several months between Rolex unveiling watches in March and getting them on sale in the summer.

Authorised dealers will be hoping lead times are far shorter this year so that they benefit from a spike in sales ahead of Christmas.

The Link Lonk

August 31, 2020 at 04:29PM

Rolex will not have new watches on sale tomorrow - WatchPro

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