Little Tikes has introduced Tobi Robot, a new smartwatch that is made specifically for kids. Unlike most kids’ wearables, the Tobi Robot promises a number of more advanced features, including built-in games and augmented reality experiences. Key to the new smartwatch is a friendly AI named Tobi, which has more than 100 expressions, animated arms and legs, as well as support for various interactions.
Smartwatches for kids aren’t a new thing, though the number of models available remains fairly small. In most cases, these smartwatches have limited functionality and are mostly designed for the parent’s peace of mind, providing real-time access to the child over cellular networks and via a built-in GPS.
Tobi Robot is more advanced, offering a number of features that will make the product more appealing to children. Tobi, the AI, has expressions for different tasks, such as brushing its teeth when it’s time for the child to brush their teeth. The watch likewise has dual cameras to enable its AR games and a selfie feature — kids can record videos in addition to capturing images, as well.
In addition to the AR experiences, the watch offers kids direct access to motion-based games and educational tools, as well as more than 50 smartwatch faces. Tobi Robot likewise has a built-in pedometer and fitness tracker that keeps tabs on how much activity the child gets throughout the week, helping them hit minimum activity targets.
The watch is considerably larger than wearables made for adults, plus it is designed to be splashproof and durable enough to handle the abuses of a child. Tobi Robot has a touchscreen, can snap 640 x 480 resolution images, and record 320 x 240 videos. Little Tikes says the watch’s battery will last for up to five days before needing to be recharged.
The model is available through the Little Tikes website now for $55 USD.
The Link LonkJuly 25, 2020 at 06:15PM
Tobi Robot smartwatch with AR and games is made for kids - SlashGear
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